Pensacola Bladeless LASIK – The Benefits

Pensacola Bladeless LASIKLaser eye surgery (Bladeless LASIK) is performed in Pensacola by our highly trained professional, Dr. Barry Concool at The Panhandle Vision Institute. This is the ideal surgery for someone who is tired of wearing glasses and/or cleaning contacts. If you’re a Bladeless LASIK candidate, Dr. Concool can do for you what he has done for thousands of other people – give you clear sight!! Our patients leave our offices with their lives completely changed.  their lives are vastly improved when their dependence on prescription glasses or contact lenses is reduced or eliminated.

Benefits of LASIK

Improved Vision: This one is the biggest of all benefits. Our patients lay down not being able to see without their glasses or contacts and sit up being able to read the clock on the wall for the first time. Some patients are even moved to tears. Our statistics  show that about 95% of patients who receive Bladeless LASIK surgery from Dr. Concool achieve at least 20/40 and 85% achieve 20/20 vision or better. Our LASIK patients immediately enjoy greatly enhanced vision following one outpatient procedure.

Long-Lasting Results: Bladeless LASIK from The Panhandle Vision Institute isn’t a temporary fix. You don’t get LASIK today and have to come back for it again in two years. Once you have moved past the 3 month adjustment period, you can expect our LASIK results to be permanent. From there on out, just annual eye exams are needed.

Quick Recovery: Quicker Results: The day of your Bladeless LASIK, you won’t be able to drive. The day after however, you better have a good looking pair of sunglasses because you’re going to need them. After all, you will have near perfect vision within a day!

No More Contacts: How much do you spend on contact lenses each year? How about contact lens solution? Contact lens cleaner? We are willing to bet that it is between $300 – $500. Bladeless LASIK form The Panhandle Vision Institute will pay for itself over and over. Think what you would be able to use that money on!

No More Glasses: (WooHoo!) “Spectacles” “Poindexter” “Geek” – We’re pretty sure that if you were ever taunted for wearing glasses, those days are over!!! Get ready to modify your look without glasses. Also, no more reaching to the bedside table just so you can read your clock first thing in the morning. Your world will open up!

Ready to finally get Bladeless LASIK? Call The Panhandle Vision Institute today at (850) 438-1277 or fill out our “Am I a LASIK Candidate” form.